Our Community

Reach New Heights

Our Community

June 20, 2019 HOME 0

Veterans and newbies alike, the time is upon us! It’s about to be a great time of year that is well known as “Marching Season”. There will be sweat, back pain, and a series of unfortunate events that will take place right before your band mounts the field! However, when you’re not on that field could be a cool time to meet other bands!

Our unique community is full of some great people, with some incredible stories! Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with someone, get to know the people in the community. You’ll find that you might be making some long term friends! Don’t miss out, seize the opportunity!

You might learn something! It’s extremely imperative as a musical person, that you continue to learn. Whether it be their advice or maybe they tell you where they messed up and it reminds you to do better on that yourself, take it and run with it!

But most importantly, we’re a fantastic community that does fantastic things. Don’t let it die off! Keep the tradition that has been going for over 50 years going! Be friendly, be interested, have a good time!

Happy Marching 🙂