What YOU should be doing this summer!

Reach New Heights

What YOU should be doing this summer!

July 10, 2019 HOME 0

Hope you guys are enjoying your summers! 

The preparation of the marching seasons have begun! 

The band directors are stressing, the composers are composing, the Drum Majors are at camp, and the uniform cleaners aren’t doing anything yet because we aren’t that close to the season yet!

But shenanigans aside, this summer is an important time to take on your drumming! You’re all at a moment where you could take fifteen or thirty minutes a day and hit different tasks involving your drumming. This is a normal thing you guys hear all of the time, but it’s also very truthful! 

When people think of practicing they think of a boring stand with some music on a sheet. But this isn’t always the case! There are a plethora of options of how you can improve your skills and enjoy doing it! 

Go turn on your favorite song of all time and listen to it all the way through once. Then replay it and this time do a rudiment with it or make up some rhythms to play with it. Look up some arrangements of different songs you like and learn how to play that. But keep what you’re playing varied at different rhythms and tempos. Variety is the spice of life!

Happy Marching guys 🙂