A Letter to the Section Leaders

Reach New Heights

A Letter to the Section Leaders

June 25, 2019 HOME 0

Dear Section Leaders,

You are now in a position of power! You can now rule like Thanos, just don’t snap your fingers please. You’re going to need both halves of your drumline! Whether you are an experienced musical war fighter, or a newborn leader coming to “rain fire”,  you all are going to be asking the same question. What now? Are you thinking about what type of leader you’ll be? Where you want to take your section? Or maybe you’re even thinking about how when you finish your work that you’ll finally rest, and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. Whatever your plans may be there’s a couple of things to keep in mind!

Number 1: You’re not the President! Keep it real, this is marching band, not Seal Team Six! Take the time to sit and enjoy yourself and the people around you. The best teams are the ones that are friends with each other and bond. Don’t rain fire on your own troops, have fun!

Number 2: Patience, Patience, Patience. You’re now dealing with people who are new to how things work! Don’t be rude, be a friend! Connect, teach, perform. It’s a small price to pay for salvation!

Number 3: Don’t let them flatline at “good enough”, keep pushing them onwards! Don’t let them die on you! There will be no resurrections this time.

Number 4: Lead the way! No one likes following someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. Get behind your drum and show them what you teach them. Don’t be a backlines leader. To the trenches!

Happy Marching 🙂